Something really cool happens when you heat Titanium. It's turns into a brilliant array of rainbow colors. One of our T10 Bespoke collectors happens to specialize in the creation of Titanium exhaust systems for supercars, and we were inspired to see if we could duplicate the aesthetic on the metal frame and doors of the charger and audio-tube on the ear computers of T10 Bespoke. It turns out. . .we can.
This is a custom creation we first exhibited at the Motorlux event in Monterey California and has proven to be one of our most talked about creations.
Now is your chance to take it home for the Holidays. Move fast: This is the only one we've ever created in this incredible color and finish combination.
Rainbow Stingray and Obsidian Black YTPZ Ceramic Zirconia
Rainbow PVD over Solid White Bronze