We wrote our first key IP for (what would later become known as) the Hearables space in 2012—a utility patent for the stowage and concealment of a wireless earphone inside of another body-worn apparatus (initially an earring, but later—through CIP’s—other apparatuses such as watches, fitness bands, bracelets, glasses and AR goggles, etc.)
Over the coming years, we built several follow-on branches to that particular IP trunk, and planted several additional IP trees as well. All of our patents granted and pending are UTILITY patents; not merely design patents. Some relate to novel form factors, others to user interface, power management, ergonomics, or hardware/software/firmware. Collectively, and because our initial IP was conceived so much earlier than nearly anyone else in the space (save for our fine friends and partners at Bragi GmbH), our granted patents are generally both broad and defensible (*hence, quite valuable.)
Brands who partner with EAR Micro benefit directly from limited exclusive license to our full and growing IP portfolio, as well as the the complete IP portfolio of our partners at Bragi. It’s no accident that major international tech players (like Huawei) have found themselves reduced to feeble attempts to copy, improve upon, or work around our collective IP wall. This helps to keep our partners (the David’s of the world) more than a few steps out in front of the big-tech Goliaths. Innovation through collaboration.
We believe true innovation has quite little to do with the size of an organization. Innovation is served best by those who are nimble on their feet, sprinting with keen direction to a point where the market is eventually headed, long before there is even market to begin with. By partnering with EAR Micro, you can rest assured that you are on the ‘right’ side of the IP wall.